Sunday’s Best No. 8

March 2, 2025


This week was busy as I ramped-up to launch the labor of love that is this website! Nevertheless, I still had some time to move my body, spend time with friends from out-of-town, and fit in a Target run!

Scroll away for a much-loved layering piece, a $5 find, and one of my favorite emerging authors.


Mersea Catalina Sweater

I wore this yesterday over my fitness set to barre, then to brunch, then to a second brunch, then to visiting friends on a patio. And everywhere I went, I got compliments on this absolute grab-and-go staple. Check out their twenty-four (count ‘em!) colorways.

Beyond Yoga Maternity Legging

So, this isn’t a Sunday Best for moi exactly, since I am not pregnant, but my friend was wearing these leggings matching the pair I was in, and she swore they had grown magically with her body (and that they were basically all she wore!). I had to share.

Farm Rio Toucans Scarf Minidress

I broke out this christmas gift from my Mom for dinner last night, and every single detail was precious, delicate, and luxe. Best part? It’s 50% off right now and available in almost every single size (but limited!).

Target Scallop Shaped Basket

I snagged this cutie pie from the “dollar section” of Target this morning. For $5, this is the perfect mini wastebasket, planter for windowsill herbs, or a catchall.

“Notes On” Zine by Hannah Connolly and Contributors

Hannah Connolly is one of my ultimate favorite comfort creators and writers, and I was so excited when my copy of her print zine arrived in my mailbox this week all the way from Great Britain. I cracked it open with a fizzy drink on the porch, pouring over her and her collaborators’ words under the first sunshine of the spring season. Please give her a follow to make your feed a softer yet brighter place to be!


Sunday’s Best No. 9


Sunday’s Best No. 7